Built in 1862, Borley Rectory stands as one of Britain’s earliest documented sites of paranormal activity.
Geographic Range: Essex, England
Access: Destroyed by fire, now only reachable through the Rift.
Populated by: Countless ghosts
Horde: Hauntings
Built in 1862, Borley Rectory stands as one of Britain’s earliest documented sites of paranormal activity. Once dubbed the “most haunted house in England,” it drew the attention of Harry Price, the famed paranormal researcher, debunker and some say fraudster. The ghostly evidence captured within its walls graced local papers, leading many to believe that it was definitive proof of the supernatural.
Among Borley Rectory’s most infamous spectral residents are a nun, who once attempted to elope with a monk from the monastery that once stood on the site, a ghost who threatened to set the building on fire and you've guessed it, a phantom carriage. Activity observed in the building varied from ghostly footsteps, bells ringing, writing on the walls, mysterious lights and even full-bodied apparitions.
For decades, debate has raged over what evidence was genuine and what might have been fabricated for media attention. Yet, Borley Rectory’s notorious reputation endures. Now, with access restored via the Rift, it begs for renewed investigation.
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